Straight off the silver screen,
1:19 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009:


this news is regarding the shut off of the gas supply in russia, which in turn affected many other neighbouring countries.
i feel that Russia should not have resorted to such drastic measures even though i don't know what Ukraine did to anger Russia. By cutting off the gas supply, Russia puts many innocent citizen's lives in danger. Furthermore that simple action did not only affect one country, but several instead. It is the winter season and so many innocent people have to suffer in the cold because the gas supply is cut off. Such heartless behaviour is inconsiderate and selfish. i do hope ukraine can get the gas supply back as soon as possible, and hopefully the other countries would try to help them out of this sticky situation.

6:41 AM
Saturday, January 10, 2009:


it is hard to believe that no one in hongkong is able to keep the fishes alive.i'm sure there must be some marine doctors in hongkong who know the solution to the constant deaths of the sturgeons.in my opinion, it is really embarrasing to return gifts people give you,especially when the gift is a living thing at the brink of extinction, and it is actually dying soon. perhaps china should not have sent another 5 to hongkong when they heard the sturgeons were dying. if anything went wrong, they might have just aggravated the rate of extinction of the sturgeons. giving pets as gifts is definitely a wrong choice, it might just turn into a burden instead of a present.

6:23 AM


this article is regarding the stoppage of the Singapore Flyer.

the cause of the huge wheel stopping was actually a small fire. Its ironic and quite dumb if you think of it logically. How can a major tourist attraction fail to just one small flame? And as a result of the failure to design better quality cables, passengers on the Flyer were stuck up there for 7 hours.

many people laughed at the news, while others thought that the passengers might have felt angry. but if i were in the passengers' shoes, i would have felt blessed instead of feeling unlucky. how many times in your life would you get that rare opportunity to be lowered on harnesses and ropes from the top of the observation wheel? and as Mr Mohd said, he was not really worried for the passengers as most of them were smiling and giggling away when the wheel stopped for many hours.

i think everyone can learn a lesson from this incident. when we set our heart into making or doing something, we must look for every possible loophole, whether big or small. just because the wheel is so big, does not mean its invulnerable to small problems. if they had thought of this small and minute fault that could have happened, they might have created a backup system lest it really happens.

8:44 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008:


i saw this news on channel news Asia last night
when i read it, i was wondering how the people must have felt when they heard that their flights were cancelled.
never did i think that i was flying to japan the next day,
and that my flight was supposed to transit at that airport.

the next morning, my dad told us that our flight was cancelled.
obviously, since the airport cancelled all outgoing and incoming flights
i was stunned, and my sister went hysterical.
we were looking forward to this trip but this just had to happen.
all we could do was to pray.

after a while, we received another call from my dad.
thank the heavens, we got an alternate flight!
whats better was that we were taking a better plane!
we're going to fly on A380, the world's largest passenger plane.

miracles do happen after all,
and i hope those people stranded at the airport will get help soon.
it is not fair to them, they didn't deserve this kind of treatment
the airport staff have been extremely unfaithful.
in such times of crisis, they should have stayed back to help,
instead of running away cowardly.

2:53 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008:


i feel that the man should not have entered the cage to commit suicide.
when he did that, he not only affected the zoo's reputation but also traumatised the tourists there.
what if there were children at the scene?
wouldnt they be haunted by looking at the tigers drag the man to the back of the exhibit?
if he was really tired of living he could have done it discreetly, away from the public.
furthermore, there were people who actually wanted the zoo keepers to shoot the tigers!
white tigers are ENDANGERED.
in every 10,000 tigers only ONE is a white tiger.
it is senseless to shoot down the tigers for just one human, when there are so many humans on earth.
the man should not have even entered the enclosure.
tigers are aggressive by nature and they did that according to their own instincts.
if you saw a million bucks on the ground wouldnt you pick it up?
furthermore, if that man wants to die, why should we harbour his plans?
maybe he is really tired of living.
and he must have plucked up a lot of courage to enter the cage.
if we soiled his plan, he would have wasted all his effort trying!
thus, singaporeans shouldnt make a big issue out of it,
and shouldnt blame the tigers either.

5:13 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008:


heard the news when i was on my way to school.
i'm really glad he won, because he is so much nicer than john.
and mccain is really old, younger is better.

i have no idea why i went to school today.
we had 2 1/2 hours of chinese ONLY
and we had to write a thousand word composition.
i don't understand why teachers enjoy giving us so much holiday homework.
i have band on almost every other day of the week-.-
including my homework, i don't really have much time to go out and have fun.
just chinese alone, i have 4 compositions, 10 newspaper reviews and i have to read TWO books.
chi-nese books.